Come to SE Hack Day, Maybe?
I originally wrote this article for Volume 123, Issue 2 of mathNEWS.
from datetime import datetime
import random
import students from uwaterloo
softies = (
students.find(program='Software Engineering')
if ('hack' in me.likes and
'learn' in me.likes and
'build' in dir(me) and
'teach' in dir(me) and
'share' in dir(me) and
'create' in dir(me) and,10,26,17,00),
end=datetime(2013,10,27,00,00)) and
sum(1 if friend in softies else 0
for friend in me.friends) > 0):
if random.random() > 0.5: # maybe
me.addToCalendar('SE Hack Day #10')
# Questions? Find a friend in Software Engineering
# and ask them about it! Or visit