"What if..." Observed De-Facto Rules
For future reference. Use at your own risk. Feel free to point our errors/omissions. Before Starting - Obtain lots of paper, lots of pens, and a small tray or basket. - Determine who is playing, and what rating (e.g. G, PG-13, anything goes) everyone is comfortable with. - Review rules so everyone knows how to play. In particular, determine what house rules, if any, will be used (e.g redraw if you get your own question)
How to Play 1. Allow people to join/leave between rounds. It is rude/annoying to leave in the middle of a round, but use common sense/judgement for e.g. Emergencies or emotionally abusive situations. 2. Check paper/pens; get more if needed. 3. Divide pieces of paper (letter size, e.g.) into eight equal pieces (about 4”x2.2”). 4. Give each person one (1) piece of paper. 5. Each person is to write a hypothetical situation on their piece of paper without letting others see what they’ve written. The situation should be short (usu. 1 sentence) and should start with “What if…” or “What would you do if…” or similar. Try to leave about half of the piece of paper unused so that a response can be written on the same piece of paper; if someone needs a new piece of paper to rewrite the scenario they should be provided with one, within reason. 6. Once done writing the scenario, pieces of paper should be folded into quarters and placed in a central container (e.g. Tin, hat, small bag) . 7. Once all scenarios are in the bag, shuffle and issue everyone a scenario at random. 8. On their piece of paper, each person answers the hypothetical situation/question written on it. 9. When everyone has written their answers, determine who starts reading and what order people will go in. 10. Person 1 begins by reading their drawn question only. Person 2 proceeds to read the answer to the question he drew. (The response may not make sense; this is a normal part of the game.) Person 2 then reads the question drawn associated with his answer. WLOG, Person 3 follows with her answer and her question, in that order, and so on, until it is player one’s turn again. Player one finishes by reading his/her answer. 11. Finally, properly dispose of used scraps of paper to avoid confusion. 12. Repeat for another round as desired.